If you have been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident in Providence, Rhode Island caused by someone else’s negligence or recklessness, contact the Law Offices of William M. Kolb, LLC. Our competent motorcycle accident attorneys will provide you with a prompt response and excellent legal representation. Our goal is to recover the damages you deserve and we will charge you no attorneys’ fees until we do.  

Our legal team is familiar with the disrespect motorcyclists are often shown on the roads of Rhode Island and throughout the country. Drivers of adjacent cars at times treat bikers as if they are trespassers on highways and streets meant for cars alone. Such drivers make motorcycle accidents more likely and sometimes more deadly. 

What makes motorcyclists more prone to severe injury?

Even the most enthusiastic motorcycle enthusiasts have to admit that bikers are at far greater risk than motorists in a collision. Nonetheless, most bikers find the freedom and exhilaration of riding in the open air worth the risk. They also appreciate the convenience and lower cost of motorcycle travel and find motorcycles a form of recreation even when they’re being used for commuting or running errands. 

Despite the fact that Rhode Island riders 21 years of age or younger must wear helmets to protect them from traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), and most riders wear not only helmets but protective clothing and boots, NHTSA statistics show that motorcyclists are over 29 times more likely to die in traffic accidents than other drivers. 

The reasons for this are not hard to decipher. Bikers are much more likely to suffer severe injury or death during a crash because:

  • Motorcyclists are not enclosed in the metal cage a car provides
  • Motorcycles have two wheels rather than four, making them less stable, especially on curves or turns
  • Motorcycles are much smaller, lighter weight, and less visible than other vehicles, especially at night or in bad weather
  • Riding a motorcycle requires more skill and balance than driving a car

As many have noted, there are no fender benders when you’re riding a motorcycle. In a crash, a biker’s body makes direct contact with the other vehicle and/or the road surface, making the biker susceptible to road rash, fractures, internal injuries, spinal cord and brain injuries, and organ damage or loss. This is why having an experienced motorcycle accident attorney is absolutely crucial. 

What Our Capable Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Will Do to Help

No matter what type of motorcycle accident you have been in, once you contact our offices for a free evaluation and we establish that we have a viable case, we will take over all legal and insurance matters and begin to create a carefully woven strategy for trial. Frequently, our strategy is so strong that we are able to win damages for you without setting foot in the courtroom. Make no mistake, however; we are always prepared for tough litigation.

As your motorcycle accident lawyers, we will:

  • Investigate the accident site and view any video footage
  • Collect and examine police reports, forensic evidence, and medical records
  • Engage in sharp negotiations with opposing attorneys and insurance adjusters
  • Interview witnesses
  • Determine liability
  • Consult with trustworthy experts who can bolster your case in court

Above all, we will fight tooth and nail if we have to take your case to trial.

Our Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Have Comprehensive Knowledge 

Because of our extensive experience with different types of motorcycle accidents and with all types of injuries, we have pertinent facts at our fingertips. For example, we understand exactly how to deal with complications that arise when:

  • You bear partial responsibility for the accident in which you were injured
  • Your medical prognosis has changed since the accident occurred
  • Your accident appeared to be a one-vehicle accident, but someone else bears responsibility for the crash
  • A third party is liable, e.g. a government agency that failed to properly maintain the roadway or traffic signals, a car manufacturer that sold a vehicle with defective brakes or steering, or the driver of a third vehicle who swerved and caused the other two vehicles to collide

Whether you were side-swiped, hit head-on, or T-boned during a turn; whether you were injured by a speeding driver or one that was impaired, distracted, malicious or reckless, or were forced off the road by an obstacle or another driver, our motorcycle accident attorneys know what to do. You can count on us to fight aggressively to make sure you obtain the compensation that is rightly yours.

Damages We Will Fight to Win

No two accidents are identical, but you can always depend on the Law Offices of William M. Kolb to fight for the specific compensation you need for:

  • Medical and rehabilitation costs
  • Lost income, present and future
  • Property damage or loss
  • Pain and suffering
  • Psychological counseling
  • Permanent disability
  • Extended nursing care
  • Alterations to your home to make it accessible
  • Permanent scarring or another disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

If you have tragically suffered the loss of a loved one in a motorcycle accident, we will fight hard for wrongful death damages to cover your final medical costs, funeral costs, and for loss of financial and emotional support. 

Contact Our Experienced Motorcycle Accidents Attorney Today

We know that you are going through a terrible time and want to do all that we possibly can to help you come out of this trauma with the resources you need to secure your future. Contact us as soon as you can so we can get started working to recover the damages you need and deserve.